By Laws





Adopted by General Membership vote 01/28/2007

Amended by General Membership vote 10/7/2007

Amended by General Membership vote 04/06/2008

Amended by General Membership vote 01/04/2009

Amended by General Membership vote 01/02/2011

Amended by General Membership vote 01/17/2015

Amended by General
Membership vote 04/16/2016


















ARTICLE I – NAME                                                                                                   3


ARTICLE II – OBJECTIVES                                                                                     3


ARTICLE III – MEMBERSHIP                                                                                   3


ARTICLE IV – DUES                                                                                                 5      


ARTICLE V – PSC OFFICERS                                                                                 5


OFFICERS                                                                    6


CLUB FINANCES                                              8


ARTICLE VIII – MEETINGS                                                                                      9


ARTICLE IX – AMENDMENTS                                                                                  11


ARTICLE X – LIABILITY                                                                                           11


OPPORTUNITY                                                                   12


ARTICLE XII – DEACTIVATION                                                                              12























The name of this organization is the PASCAGOULA
SHOOTING CLUB (hereafter referred to as “PSC”)




The PSC exists to promote sportsmanship and
marksmanship among members and their families, potential members, and
authorized guests through:


(a). Promoting and ensuring safe firearms handling


(b). Disseminating firearms techniques and
marksmanship training;


(c). Promoting firearms competitions among
members/organizations and the general public in cooperation with Mississippi
shooting organizations, the National Rifle Association of America (NRA), the
Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP), USA Shooting, and other organizations.




1.  The Board of Directors (also referred to as
the “BOD”) may approve membership for any person legally eligible to possess or
use firearms. 


2.  Membership in the PSC may be acquired and
maintained through payment of prescribed annual dues as outlined in ARTICLE IV
of the PSC By-Laws.  This membership shall be permanent unless revoked for
cause by the BOD, subject to the provisions outlined in the PSC Standard
Operating Procedures (also referred to as the “SOP” or “SOPs”).  Any
member convicted of a felony or other charge which carries with it the loss of
right to own and possess a firearm shall be immediately expelled from the


3.  Members of the club in good standing enjoy
all benefits and privileges offered by the club, including voting rights at
regular or special meetings.  Members under the age of 18 are not
permitted voting rights. Members who have had their membership suspended
by the majority decision of the BOD or by vote of the general membership shall
not retain the right to vote but may attend the regular or special meetings of
the club.


4.  Members of the PSC are expected to be
familiar with the PSC SOPs.  Failure to follow prescribed SOPs may result
in disciplinary action, pursuant to the provisions outlined in the PSC SOPs.


5.  Any members under the age of 18 shall shoot
under the supervision of an adult.


6.  Any PSC member in good standing who is
activated or called to duty to support and defend the Constitution of the
United States of America shall retain status as a member in good standing for
the length of their absence, and upon returning to the PSC shall not be
required to pay dues until the next annual renewal.


7.  The membership roster for the PSC shall be limited
to one thousand (1000) persons.  A waiting list shall be created to track
those persons who wish to join after this number has been reached.  This
will be done on a “first come, first served” basis.  Any current member
who does not renew his/her membership by June 30th shall be
considered to have relinquished his/her membership, and that spot shall be
filled from the waiting list.





1.  Standard membership dues are $100 and are
due in full prior to the first Saturday of April of each year.  Standard
membership shall include range privileges for spouse and minor children of the
member.  Voting rights do not extend to anyone other than the paying


2.  People wishing to join or renew their
membership outside the normal March 1 – April 1 renewal period shall pay the
following pro-rated fees:

<![if !supportLists]>      <![endif]>March 1st – June 30th: $100 (full cost, after this time,
members are no longer allowed to “renew” their membership and will be
considered new members)

<![if !supportLists]>      <![endif]>July 1st – September 30th: $75

<![if !supportLists]>      <![endif]>October 1st – December 31st: $50

<![if !supportLists]>      <![endif]>January 1st – February 28th/29th: $125 (covers the
following year’s membership as well)




1.  PSC Officers include the President,
Executive Officer, Executive Secretary, Treasurer, Safety Officer, and
Operations Officer.  These Officers shall be elected from the general
membership by a majority vote of the members in good standing present at the
annual January meeting of the Club. Members shall show their current membership
card or a photo ID and have their membership verified on the active membership
list in order to receive the ballot to vote.

 2.  A meeting will be held on the first
Sunday in December at 2:00pm at the range facility for the express purpose of
nominating members in good standing for positions on the Board of Directors,
with elections to follow at the January meeting as prescribed in the By-Laws
(currently every other year). Nominations shall be closed at the end of the
December nomination meeting.  Nominations shall be recorded by the Secretary
for posting on the official Club website, as well as at the range, a minimum of
14 days prior to the date of the January meeting.  Persons being nominated
must be present at the meeting, or must provide, orally, or in writing, to a
member of the Board of Directors of the PSC in advance, notification that they
will accept the nomination for a particular position.  No member shall
accept a nomination for more than one position.


3.  The term of service for all members of the
Board of Directors shall be 2 years.

 Any Officer of
the PSC may be removed from the BOD by majority vote of the members in good


4.  The BOD members’ duties shall include
general supervision and control of all activities of the club pursuant to
ARTICLE VI of the PSC By-Laws.


5.  Three voting members of the BOD shall
constitute a quorum.


6.  Resignation of any officer of the BOD may be
accepted by the remaining members of the BOD.


7.  Any vacancy in the Board of Directors shall
be filled by election by a majority vote of the members in good standing
present at the next regularly scheduled PSC meeting.  The position will be
up for election at the next scheduled January meeting of the club at which
elections are scheduled to be held, regardless of the time the position was held.




1.  The President shall preside over regular and
special meetings of the PSC, as well as the meetings of the BOD.  As such,
the President is a non-voting position on the BOD, except in the case of a
deadlock vote of the BOD, at which time the President will cast the deciding
vote.  The President may designate any member of the BOD to preside over
meetings of the PSC and the meetings of the BOD.  The President represents
the BOD as a single point of contact with the general membership.  The
President shall represent the PSC as a single point of contact with people
outside the PSC as directed by the BOD.


2.  The Executive Officer shall be a voting
position on the BOD.  The Executive Officer is responsible for recruitment
of new members and oversight of the range operations.  The Executive
Officer shall perform duties as directed by the BOD.


3.  The Executive Secretary shall be a voting
position on the BOD.  The Executive Secretary shall author all official
correspondence, including the preparing and forwarding of all reports required
by the President or BOD.  The Executive Secretary shall notify all members
of annual, regular, or special meetings, and shall retain custody of club
records.  The Executive Secretary shall perform other duties as directed
by the BOD.


4.  The Operations Officer shall be a voting
position on the BOD.  The Operations Officer shall oversee range
facilities and advise the BOD on maintenance and operational requirements and
the costs associated.  The Operations Officer is authorized to work
directly with contractors to complete maintenance or construction tasks.
The Operations Officer shall perform other duties as directed by the BOD.
The Operations Officer may appoint committees as necessary to assist in
fulfilling the duties of Operations Officer with approval of the BOD, pursuant
to the provisions of the PSC SOP.


5.  The Safety Officer shall be a voting
position on the BOD.  The Safety Officer is responsible for ensuring a
safe environment for all range activities.  The Safety Officer is
responsible for ensuring that members and guests complete any safety training
and indemnification paperwork required by the PSC Standard Operating
Procedures.  The Safety Officer oversees all recreational shooting,
competitive shooting, and training events.  The Safety Officer shall
perform other duties as directed by the BOD.  The Safety Officer may
appoint committees as necessary to assist in fulfilling the duties of Safety
Officer with approval of the BOD, pursuant to the provisions of the PSC SOP.


6.  The Treasurer shall be a voting position on
the BOD.  The Treasurer will maintain financial records of the PSC,
including, but not limited to bank statements, tax records, loan documents,
asset/liability statements (balance sheet), and income statements.  The
Treasurer shall perform other duties as directed by the BOD.  The
Treasurer is responsible for preparing financial reports of the PSC to the
general membership, pursuant to ARTICLE VII of the PSC By-Laws.


7.  Officers of the PSC, alone or collectively,
without the consent of the general membership, shall not indebt the PSC,
pursuant to ARTICLE VII of these PSC By-Laws.







1.  All expenditures of PSC funds shall be
conducted in full compliance with all Federal, State, and Local laws, statutes,
and ordinances.


2.  All PSC financial records shall be made
available to members at each scheduled regular meeting.  Members in good
standing may request viewing of the PSC financial records between regular
meetings by submitting a written request to the Executive Secretary, who will
notify the President and Treasurer.  The records must be made available
for viewing at the PSC facility within 14 days.


3.  All checks issued by the club shall be
“2-Party” checks, requiring the signature of two BOD members to be valid.


4.  The BOD, collectively, individually, or in
any combination thereof, may not indebt the club for amounts exceeding $2000
collectively per quarter without the consent of the general membership through
a vote held at either regular or special meetings.


5.  The BOD shall prepare and publish an annual
plan which shall outline the projected operational costs of the PSC for the
subsequent year, proposed range improvement projects for the subsequent year,
and proposed costs of said improvements.  This plan shall be made
available for review by all club members in good standing at least one month
prior to the April annual general meeting.  The plan shall be voted upon
using a line-item method by the general membership at the April annual general
meeting.  The BOD shall be held to the plan as approved by a vote of the
general membership.


6.  Emergency expenditures shall require the
unanimous vote of the BOD and immediate notification of general members of the
circumstances and amount of expenditure.


7.  The BOD shall not be reimbursed for personal
expenses incurred during the course of official PSC business without approval
by a vote of the general membership in good standing.


8.  The BOD may authorize payments, not to
exceed $100, to reimburse any PSC-related expense incurred by a general member.





1.  Regular PSC meetings are held on the Third
Saturday of January, April, July, and October at the range facility at
2:00PM.  This meeting may not be moved or rescheduled.  In the event
that the meeting cannot be held, the meeting will be postponed until the next
scheduled regular meeting.


2.  A majority of the voting PSC BOD and any
members in good standing present at the Regular Meeting shall constitute a
quorum. BOD and members shall sign a list verifying their attendance in the
meeting for the club records.


3.  The January meeting of each even-numbered
year (2010, 2012, etc.) shall also serve to host the election of Officers to
the BOD, the makeup of which is outlined in ARTICLE V of these PSC By-Laws.


4.  Should natural disaster or major impact to
the club facilities prevent a scheduled election, the BOD shall remain in
effect until the next Regular PSC meeting, at which time elections shall
occur.  In the event that the range facilities are unable to be used for
this meeting in April, a substitute location shall be proposed by the BOD at
least 1 month prior to the April meeting date.


5.  Special PSC meetings may be called by the President
of the PSC, or upon request of any member in good standing in writing.
Notice of the Special PSC meeting time shall be provided to all officers and
members in good standing in writing, by mail or email, and by notification on
the Club Website (
www.pascagoulashootingclub), no less
than 14 days prior to the meeting date.  Special meetings shall be held at
the PSC range except in extreme circumstances.



6. A majority of the
voting PSC BOD plus at least 8% of the members in good standing shall
constitute a quorum for the Special Meeting.


7.  All regular and special meetings shall have
an official agenda posted by the BOD, both at the range and on the Club
Website, at least 10 days prior to the meeting.  The BOD shall follow the
agenda.  Introduction of items other than on the agenda by the BOD is not
permitted.  Members in good standing may introduce items other than those
on the agenda for discussion, but action on said items shall be tabled until
the next regular or special meeting.  This delay in action shall not be
required for items which directly impact the safety of the membership.


8.  A current listing of PSC members in good standing
shall be made available at each PSC meeting to determine who is eligible to
participate, vote, and hold office, as well as ensure that an 8% membership
representation has been achieved to provide for a quorum at Special Meetings.


9.  All meetings shall be conducted in
accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.





1.  Amendments to the PSC By-Laws or SOP may be
introduced by any PSC member in good standing, including Officers of the BOD,
at any Regular or Special meeting of the PSC or by contacting a member of the
Board of Directors in writing, detailing the amendment proposed.


2.  Proposed amendments must be posted at the
range and on the Club Website at least 14 days prior to the Regular or Special
meeting at which they will be introduced for vote.


3.  After presentation and discussion during the
Regular or Special meeting, the proposed amendment will be put to a vote.
In order to pass, the amendment must be passed by a 2/3 “supermajority” of
members in good standing at the meeting.


4.  The BOD shall, with a 4/5ths “supermajority”
vote, be allowed to amend the SOP when the reasons for doing such impact
directly on Club liability and/or Club/member safety.




1.  The PSC shall maintain property and
liability insurance with reasonable limits of coverage to protect the interests
of the PSC. This shall include, but not necessarily be limited to property
insurance, general liability coverage and directors and officers liability


2.  All persons participating in any events on
PSC property shall sign acknowledgements of the range SOPs and “hold harmless”
agreements to indemnify the PSC from harm resulting from neglect or misconduct.




1.  The PSC is an equal opportunity organization
and employer and will not practice, permit, nor condone discrimination of any
time based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability,
marital status, and/or sexual orientation. Sexual harassment is strictly
prohibited. PSC has a zero tolerance for sexual harassment and any proven
violations may result in expulsion.

2.  Any member or applicant who believes they
have been discriminated should contact an Officer of the PSC for immediate attention,
investigation, and attempted resolution. In addition to contacting an Officer,
a written statement of the violation from the person who was allegedly violated
shall be sent to the BOD within 30 days of the alleged violation.





1.  Deactivation of the Club may be accomplished
only by the vote of a 2/3 “supermajority” of the total membership in good
standing, as evidenced by a signed petition.


2.  Upon deactivation, after all bills and valid
debts are paid, any residual funds shall be donated to the NRA-ILA, assets
shall be summarily sold and proceeds sent to the NRA-ILA, and real property
shall be deeded to an appropriate wildlife refuge.